Thursday 14 February 2019

Undertaking a Proper Survey before Commencing Any Excavation

If you are a contractor involved in any sort of excavation work, you will know that, before you begin, you need to undertake a survey of the area in which you plan to dig. This can be done by yourself or any surveyor that you employ, either as an employee or a sub-contractor, but whoever undertakes the survey should have been on a recognised course for EUSR CAT and Genny training and be fully conversant with EUSR HSG47. There are several companies in the UK which provide EUSR cable avoidance training.

HSG47 is produced by the HSE and you can download a free PDF from the HSE website.  The guidance is aimed at all those involved in commissioning, planning, managing, and carrying out work on or near underground services. It will also be of use to the owners and operators of such services.

HHSG47 gives advice on the dangers of working near underground services, and also advises on ways to protect people's health and safety while so doing and minimising the chance of injury. It also advises on the collateral damage that can occur to utilities that are hit, and the damages that contractors who strike them may suffer as a result. These can run into the hundreds of thousands of pounds.

This is why those who are going to carry out a survey must be properly trained in every aspect of underground surveying and fully understand the use of the CAT and Genny in all of their different modes.

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